Nobody Is Allowed to Be What They Are

We are in full-on cultural decay. It’s not just the current wave of feminism, nor Marxism, nor post-modernism, nor PC culture. It’s a full scale mass denial of reality that is bringing what used to be shining cities on hills to their knees.

It takes far more investment to not see these things, which is why authorities frequently make it difficult or impossible for parents to keep their children with them during their formative years. Not sending your children to school is still seen as fringe and nutty, but it’s probably one of the few tools available to us to free the next generation from a guaranteed demise.

I mean, boys aren’t allowed to be boys. Girls aren’t allowed to be girls. Men and women aren’t allowed to be men nor women. And I daresay that the current darlings of the mainstream zeitgeist are also not allowed to be what they are, though that’s harder to see directly.

Do you think, given the choice between pursuing a relatively normal life or being a political pawn, that people would choose the latter, in the long term?

Sure, some would, but those would also be not very smart, and would lack people in their lives who love them enough to pull them back from such destructive paths.

“You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

What we are is a big part of who we are. We don’t get to choose a lot of what we are, and if we deny reality in this area, we’re setting ourselves up for a long, disappointing, and miserable life. But, even worse, we propagate cultural decay.

It is true that previous generations have failed us. We inherited this decaying culture from them. Furthermore, they passed it down in a worse state than they received it. But our ancestors behaving badly does not justify our bad behavior.

Decay is always present, but destruction need not be inevitable. Decay needs to constantly be identified and scrubbed out.

Be what you are. Know thyself. Choose truth and righteousness.