Do You Really Want “Women In Tech”?

As it turns out, in the #MeToo era, “Women In Tech” is shaping up to be only women or only men in companies that recognize that even the whiff of an accusation is incredibly costly. Not only are such accusations individually destructive; such accusations may mean the end of your business.

SJWs don’t care about this, of course. Some people just want to watch the world burn. SJWs in particular are more than happy to douse it with gasoline, even if it means they’re next to go down in flames.

I used to have the opinion, “I don’t care who or what you are. As long as you are capable of doing the job, let’s get down to business.” But, empirically speaking, this is a sucker’s game. If you’re a white male and you hire somebody of a different identity, you are taking a risk that they will be used to destroy your business.

I can feel the objections rising, even within myself. “But I know good people who aren’t white nor male!” And you may well never see an issue yourself. Believe me, I want to be able to judge people as individuals. But I don’t think we can do that safely. Furthermore, I’m not sure it was ever actually possible.

America has had over 50 years of significant third-world immigration. It was initially promised that our demographics would not change. Our values would not change.

I find it hard to believe that anyone was actually convinced by this, but then again, you were probably labeled “reactionary” or “racist” if you resisted these policy changes, even back then.

Go along to get along, that’s what white men are told. That works great for non-whites and women, at least in the short term.

But, in the end, everybody suffers.