Monthly Archives: May 2019

Farewell, Facebook

I just deleted my Facebook account.

I should have done so ages ago.

The first reason why that comes to me is that Facebook hates me and people like me. That is, Europeans that don’t tow the mainstream leftist narrative. Or, to put it another way, a European that looks at the state of the world, thinks that something is deeply wrong with the way things are going, and wishes to speak out about it.

I mean, you don’t have to be European to draw their ire, of course. But they have a special disregard for “white people.”

But, well, this has been known for quite a long time. Why now?

Well, I finally accepted that Facebook is not a net positive in my life.

If something is true, then not everybody needs to accept it at the same time. The more challenging the truth, the more leeway you should grant.

Now, on a scale of 1 to 10, we’re not talking an enormous challenge, but I noticed there was some emotional resistance to leaving the platform. I’ve seen it in others, and have felt it within me as others have left.

It’s probably got something to do with addiction and/or dopamine, or something along those lines. I’ll leave that to the psychologists.

For me, knowing myself as I do, I noticed that I really didn’t interact with people I knew or cared about much at all. I rarely saw a story on my timeline that made me smile, or happy to be using the site. There were some jokes here and there, but they were generally overwhelmed by the latest “LOOK AT WHAT THE LEFTISTS DID” faux outrage.

I tell you, if these people were actually outraged at what these leftists were doing, they would not be posting about it on Facebook. It’s just another form of virtue signaling.

You may well ask, “well, what is it that you’re doing?” My answer to that is that I am doing something, and I don’t have to tell you what it is. I am keeping it close to my chest, and I plan to discuss it more openly at some point.

Another thing to note: I did make a farewell post. I actually made two; one indicating that I wanted to be prepared if my account was disabled, and one indicating that I planned to do so shortly.

I should have just deleted my account then and there, anyway. Why was I posting? To give people a chance to keep in touch. But were people really keeping in touch anyway? Was I?

The social connection afforded by Facebook was largely an illusion.

And I think that’s a more fundamental problem, far deeper and worse than the mere racial hatred I am subjected to.

I am sold illusory social connection, and the cost is my personal data and my privacy. If I build a following, I have no guarantee that people will see my work.

Facebook is built on a mountain of lies and illusion.

And that is why you, too, should delete.

These pussyhat-wearing harridans want open borders when it comes to rutting but closed borders when it comes to deporting the unborn.

And when have you murdered enough people?

There are no standards to which you can appeal. Just stay the hell away from these people.

Abstinence for Abortions!

You cannot make this up.

Alyssa Milano, who used to be cute, went on the Twitter record to encourage women to abstain from sex until they get their full abortion rights back.

To be fair to her, that worked for Temperance, and lord knows what other sorts of “liberation” movements for women, but the irony is so palpable you can almost see rust.

And that’s my joke. Good night!

Regulating Social Media

Regulating social media is kind of like building the wall: we’re in an emergency situation that has been created by decades of irresponsible and anti-American government policy, so a rather drastic solution is required now, if we don’t want to avoid a disaster.

The problem with social media at the moment is that it lies in the hands of Corporations.

Most people don’t know the first thing about the monstrosity of American Corporations. I barely know more than that myself. But it’s a fact that they would not even remotely exist as they do now without massive protections from the government.

Removing the protections that Facebook, Twitter, and Google enjoys might solve these problems, but the fact remains that they are operating under government protection to do things that the government is not supposed to be doing.

I mean, it’s bad enough when the government directly violates your rights to free speech, freedom of association, freedom of assembly, and so on (which the American government most certainly has, repeatedly, ever since the beginning), but at least people understand that a bit clearer when it’s coming from the courts and the police.

So, what do we do?

One thing is to pursue direct alternatives. Yes, the big boys are big, but even protected corporations don’t have an infinite lifespan. There are additional problems to solve with this approach, but to not try is to accept defeat before even glancing at your sword.

Another is to stop using the big platforms. I get it, that’s where “everybody” is. Well, but no, not everybody is there. And if you’re spending time there, sinking hours of your life into a site whose owners hate you and everything you stand for, then you’re the sucker for building your house on sand.

Beyond this, we need to hold these companies liable, just as we would hold the government liable. They have established themselves as the Commons. Hence, they had better act like the damned Commons or be dismantled.


It’s becoming abundantly clear that Western nations are in a post-Christian void. We Europeans used to be Christians, but we have fallen away.

With that post-Christian void has come a lack of morality. Regular people don’t know what it means to be good anymore.

I’ve had my own struggles with religion, but I’ve lately come to realize that I was mistaking my experience of lazy, careless Christians-in-name-only with the genuine article. It’s tempting to write excuses, but at the end of the day, I was not seeking truth. I was seeking relief from the misery I experienced, and I found it in the short term by turning away from God and toward the world.

Almost immediately, my high moral values (so to speak) plummeted. I became post-Christian. To use a term would be to pretend that I had thought any of it through. I didn’t disbelieve in spirituality, but I felt that I didn’t have to go along with anything organized, to say nothing of trying to find a church again.

I had a freeing sense at the beginning–no more church! No more belief! No more restraints!

And I was happy… for a couple of days. It’s taken me decades of wandering and meandering, only to find that I lost far more than I gained in walking away from faith entirely.

Does that sound remotely familiar to what’s going on in the larger society? Our wealthiest areas (all debt-delusion bubbles) are going increasingly astray. They are barely Western, and definitely no longer Christian. Every single day sees another escalation in degeneracy, another horrible death, some new horror show! And instead of pausing for a moment to ask if the road they travel is perhaps leading them to hell, the drivers of the Zeitgeist double down and call for yet more destruction.

“Let us have more of that which has destroyed us!”

You will get what you ask for.

I’m taking care to not mistake the world for myself, or vice versa, but as I walk along this path where I seek the truth, I can’t help but think that I’m not the only one that needs to do so.

We are living apart from God. We do not honor his commands. We do not seek his grace. We reject his judgment.

We seem to believe that we are gods ourselves… and every time we approach this idolatry, we suffer immensely.

Save Your Children

If you doubt anything about how insane schools are becoming, and think your hometown is safe, take a listen to Duke Pesta’s podcast.

I found myself a bit frustrated when he said of one parent group, who were fighting a teacher imposing sexual deviancy indoctrination on her students, that they were going to lose. Just flatly stated it.

Of course, he’s probably right. I don’t like the idea of not fighting but the fight probably won’t be won in schools as they currently stand. The bureaucracy is far too entrenched. New teachers are thoroughly leftist, as a group. They cannot be trusted.

So fight by not putting your kids in public schools. You cannot save everyone. We were never able to afford saving the world at our own expense, but the bill is coming due soon, and quickly.

Fight or Die

Evil consumes those who do not fight it.

Fighting evil starts with your own sinful, sorry ass. Are you right with God? Do you seek His forgiveness? Do you follow His commandments? Do you ask Him for guidance? Do you seek His wisdom?

It’s not whether you do these things perfectly, it’s whether you do them at all.

So, do you?